Multipercussionist / Drummer
Studies of classical percussion / drums
– Hochschule für Musik und Theater München, Munich ( with Prof. Karl Peinkofer, later with Prof. Peter Sadlo)
– Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart (Prof.Klaus Tresselt)
– Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg (cultural management)
What interests me about drums is the enormous richness of the instrumentarium and the expressive possibilities it offers. Besides the classical instruments like timpani, mallets (vibraphone, marimba etc) it is the sound worlds of gongs, frame and hand drums but also of water, wood and stones that fascinate me.
Increasingly, I deal with topics such as ritual, spirituality and meditation in a musical context.
My solo performances want to lead the audience on a journey into unexpected diemensions of rhythm and sound.
A concert becomes an experience of breathtaking sound worlds and transcends to a spiritual experience.